The Banque D' Orient and Artemis Sorras's Role
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1904: The “Bank of Anatolia” is established – Banque D’Orient, “Orient Bank”. See Government Gazette (FEK) No.277/7-12-1904 (Document 1).

1914 – 1918: The Asia Minor Catastrophe and the genocide of Ellenes and Armenians – The theft of the Ellenes wealth and shares of the Bank of Anatolia.
Greece at the time: Social divide between rich and poor, hatred, demonstrations of violence and fanaticism, an atmosphere of suspicion, acts of propaganda, the Parliament is absent, the military is in confrontation, there are disagreements and division.
Eleftherios Venizelos assumes government and the country is in a state of siege.
The Greeks, entrusting the Bank thinking it is of Greek origin, deposited the title deeds of their assets for safekeeping including their shares of the Bank of Anatolia.
Consequently, they were expelled from today’s Turkey and killed in unimaginable numbers. The Bank was closed and their wealth as well as the shares of Bank of Anatolia, disappeared – namely, they were stolen in one night by the Bank itself!!

1932/1936: With illegal proceedings, without a majority of the shareholders at the General Meeting and without any legal decision, they continued with a merger of the Bank of Anatolia with the National Bank of Greece (at the same time, Greece falls into bankruptcy with Venizelos – the 4th bankruptcy of Greece).

During the “apparent” merger acquisition of the Bank of Anatolia by the National Bank, there was a total amount of 83,451,093.90 French Gold Francs in its Balance Sheet.

This amount, in accordance with the constitution of its establishment as well as the merger contract and the FEK that followed, it was excluded from the transfer and had to be distributed by the National Bank of Greece equally as minimum guaranteed amount to the shareholders totalling 280,000 shares of the Bank of Anatolia irrespective of the result of the said liquidation. 

This capital, which had no obligation to any third parties, was deposited into a special interest and guaranteed account (Escrow Guaranteed Account) within the former National Bank of France today the European Central Bank, with an interest of 7% until the liquidation expires (as was defined in 1904 and submitted in 1905) and the equitable purchase price of the share must also be defined.

The National Bank illegally and abusively sacked the 3 liquidators in 1936!
  • The liquidation of the Bank of Anatolia was never finalised.
  • The Bank was never closed.
  • The account is active until today and is the obligation of the National Bank of Greece and the European Central Bank to give the capital to the shareholders.

Artemis Sorras possesses 40 validated shares of the Bank of Anatolia which are guaranteed by the Central Bank of France (Today the European Central Bank).

These Shares:
  • Have a seal of validity by the French Embassy in Athens. They have been sealed indicating that they have not been declared as stolen or lost. (Document B
  • They have been checked and approved by the Directory of Capital Taxation Department A of the Ministry of Finance and SDOE (Economic Crimes Enforcement Agency) in regards to their value, effect and validity. (Document C)
  • They have passed a Parliamentary Control and their value has been confirmed by the OPF (Office of Public Financing – “Tax Department”) of Patra, the Ministry of Finance and the Parliament amounting to 678 billion euros each. This value is only the yield value. (Document D1 & D2)
  • The donation of 8 shares to 2 NPO, is taxed (0.5% x 8 x 378,6 billion euros) amounting to 27.2 billion euros 
  • He submitted an extrajudicial notice against SDOE for not collecting the tax. SDOE confirms and replies that it does not have the jurisdiction to do so. (Document E)
  • The Ministry of Finance forwards the request for inspection and execution of the collection of tax to the “Directorate for Monitoring Legal Audit Circumstances and Duty Collection”.
  • In 2012, Artemis Sorras begins a court battle against the National Bank. He wins the court case with an injunction, forcing the National Bank to reveal all of the formal documents relating to the liquidation of the Bank of Anatolia. (Document F1 & F2)
         - It was recognised that the shares have been converted to debenture bonds
         - The liquidation never occurred,
- There is no mention in any FEK that the liquidation was finalised,
- The National Bank, even though it was forced to surrender all of the economic data from 1931 to 1938 every 6-month period, it has not done this up to today,
- Even though the National Bank of Greece was obligated by the court to surrender all of the data and actions in regards to the Escrow Guaranteed Account from 1932 until today, it has not performed this either...
  • Artemis Sorras has started a liquidation process of the Bank and it is in progress.

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